Friday, November 24, 2006

Decorating for Christmas

I love decorating the tree!
Above the door leading into the family room.
Becca shows the "Cow Jumped Over the Moon" ornament.
Who could ask for a better decorating crew?
We decided to decorate for Christmas on Wednesday night while Julie and Ava were still here for Thanksgiving. We got out all the Christmas boxes and Rod set up the tree. We had so much fun! We took down all the fall decorations and put up all the lights, manger scenes and Christmas stuff. Ava loved hanging ornaments on the tree. She had one little spot close to the bottom where she would hang every ornament in the same place. Becca helped Ava decorate in the high places by putting Ava on her shoulders. Even Nick joined in the fun and put ornaments on the tree. He helped take the fall stuff down from the places where I would have had to stand on a chair. It's nice to have some tall people around when you need them! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. Rondaleen came and joined us for dinner. Rod deep fried the turkeys while I made orange rolls, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, Watergate salad, stuffing, and fresh pineapple. Rondaleen brought her wonderful cranberry cloud salad and a beautiful fresh flower arrangement for our center piece. We had pumpkin cheesecake and peach pie for dessert. Julie gave Becca and Nick an early Christmas present - the new game called "Ticket to Ride." We had fun playing the game, talking, and eating. It was hard for me to take Julie and Ava to the airport last night and send them back to Utah. What a wonderful gift we have had the last 4 days to have them here with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad I missed out on the fun. Can't wait to see you soon:)