Monday, December 04, 2006

Some thoughts...

Someone sent me an email that asked children to define Love. There were some very cute and sweet answers. My favorite was this: “Love is what’s in the room at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.” This came from a seven-year-old. I think that is so profound. I have been reflecting much on this – and have concluded I could do no better than that. Sunday we had a beautiful lesson on the Savior. Part of the presentation was a video of President Hinckley and the 12 Apostles, each testifying of the pre-mortal and mortal missions of the Savior and of his divinity. I was so touched by these marvelous testimonies, particularly by this comment: “He has purchased us with his blood.” A few weeks ago, a dear old sister in my Relief Society commented that she wondered which drops of blood were shed for her. Personally, I believe he shed ALL of his blood for ME – not just a few drops. He shed ALL of his blood for EACH of us. “He has purchased us with his blood.” It is such a humbling miracle to me – this great atonement of the Savior. During this Christmas season I hope that my family members will truly be touched by the miracle of His birth, His life, His atonement, His death, and His resurrection. This, to me, is the most beautiful and thrilling knowledge that I have – that He willingly came to mortality, under the most humble of circumstances, to teach, to suffer for my sins, to die for me, and to give me the gift of immortality and the opportunity of Eternal Life. My soul rejoices as this profound gift is pondered, and I thank my Father in Heaven that I have this knowledge.


Anonymous said...

Great blog- When you really think about it all it is so humbling. Thank you for teaching me about Jesus, mom!

Anonymous said...

Well said, Karla! It's such a special time of year to really reflect on these things and to be grateful for them!