Sunday, March 30, 2008

More Desert Beauty

We had such a great afternoon today! the Desert Botanical Gardens was a whole new place for us. I have come to love the desert the last three years we have been here. The spring is especially wondrous as the cactus bloom. We saw so many beautiful thing! This is a Palo Verde - green barked - tree. They are actually all over. I was so shocked the first time I saw these and their stunning green bark.

Wild flowers are rampant in the desert right now. We saw meadows of them as we drove to CA last week.

This is called a creeping devil cactus. The send runners out all over the ground and climb and creep on whatever is there.

These are sculpted willows. Aren't they neat!

Sweet tiny pink blooms in this stickily little plant.

Gigantic plants with huge blooms on top reaching into the sky.

A halo of pink on the prickles.

This one is hilarious! It looks all furry - Old Man of the Andes!

It is fascinating how the little bulbs grow on the end of the rounded pedals of the cactus, and then burst in the brilliance when the bloom.

Ocotillo reaching skyward. These have really beautiful, bright orange flowers on the ends. I took tons of pictures, and it was hard to decide which ones to post. There is so much beauty, and each plant unique. We will certainly return to this amazing place. And I hope to do a hike in the wild in the next couple of weeks when the cactus will really be putting on a show!


Alice Faye said...

Isn't it funny that we posted about the beauties of our different homes the same day. Great minds!! I loved the willow. It looks like a big ball of yarn. We went to Phoenix a few years ago and I LOVED the scenery as we traveled around, especailly as we were going to the Grand Canyon. So many different landscapes in such a short time. It was great. I'll come see your beauties if you will come see mine.

Unknown said...

I am glad you like it- I am not there yet!

heidi said...

So pretty and amazaing. And what a beautiful day. Everytime I watch the news I cringe at northern utah's weather. Aren't you glad to live where the sun shines! I sure am.

Nikki said...

Looks like something that inspired Dr. Seuss

Patty said...

Your pictures were beautiful. I have enjoyed traveling to Utah in the spring and learning to appreciate more of the mojave desert. The blossoms are amazing.