Mother of 3 beautiful girls, grandmother to 5 adorable grandchildren; Ain't life grand!
All the kids love their Auntie Becca.
I think Cooper has a way to go before he should tangle with an ape.
Savannah gives her sweet smile in front of the mighty paciderms.
There is no better way to spend a glorious summer day than at the zoo. Especially with my three girls and grandkids. We started off by loading up strollers, kids, binkis, a great picnic lunch, lots of drinks and our cameras. It only took a short 15 minutes to drive to Utah's Hogle Zoo from Katie's house. I remember going to that zoo as a very small child. I loved it so much. It has really changed since then. The exhibits have all been updated and it is a very impressive place. My grandkids love going and Katie always gets a season pass so they go often. That way they don't have to spend a lot of time and it is a fun diverson for them. We saw the elephants, rhinos, bears, zeebras, all kinds of monkeys, the wild cats and many other exotic and common animals. We just happened to go on the day the new wild cat exhibit opened up to the public. The radio station was there, they had food samples, and people galore. The kids really enjoyed it. At the end of our tour, we rode the train. Guess who the conductor was? None other than Santa Clause himself! Savannah was thrilled. He talked to her and told her he loved working at the zoo in the summer time and that this is where he met Mrs. Clause 150 years ago. He hollers "All aboard" just as well as he hollers "Ho, ho, ho." It was great fun. As we finished up our trip, we stopped at Jamba Juice for refreshing smoothies. What a perfect day.