Rod got a really nice bonus in his paycheck a couple of weeks ago, so we decided to take the kids somewhere special during Spring Break. We had the best time ever at Disneyland! We got Becca out of school at noon on Thursday to travel to Anaheim. Our Motel was close enough that we could walk into the park, no parking! We got there just before 8:00 AM when they opened up the gates. We had to wait in line to get our tickets, wait in line to get in, and then we RAN for
Indiana Jones! We got right in - no waiting.

This interesting shot is on the ceiling in one of the chambers as you are walking to get into your vehicle for the
Indiana Jones adventure. When we finished that ride, we RAN to Pirates of the Caribbean and walked right in - no waiting! We then RAN for the Haunted Mansion and walked right in - no waiting! We then RAN for Splash Mountain. We walked right in - no waiting! I'm not sure that was good because I did not have time to back out of that one. It was so much fun, and we all got wet! We then RAN for Thunder Mountain. We had a very short wait for that one.

Love these dinosaur bones at Thunder Mountain. It was always my favorite ride.

Waiting for our Thunder Mountain train ride. After this one we decided to hit a rest room. We did 5 rides and a pit stop by 9:30 AM. Wow! What a morning!
We then decided to go on the Matterhorn. Looks like the kids enjoyed this one. We only had to wait for about 25 minutes, and then we had to wait for a LONG time for every other ride we went on. Rod and Nick decided they wanted to go on the submarine (finding Nemo) so I went on the Tea Cups with Becca. They were still in line when we got done, so we went shopping on Main Street. They were still in line when we got done, so we walked around for a while. They were STILL in line so we just sat and waited. Becca and I could NOT believe how long they waited for this one, and when they were FINALLY done, we decided to go have some lunch, so we left and went to Quizzno's across the street from the park entrance for some yummy sandwiches.

After we ate lunch, we decided to try for Space Mountain. This is just a small piece of the winding and rewinding line that was an 80 minute wait to go on this ride. We loved the ride, though, and it is my new favorite for sure! But our feet and legs hurt so much from standing in line that we went back to the Motel and took a nap. We all crashed for an hour. We then had a wonderful dinner at Mimi's and were so geared up for the evening at Disneyland.

Becca and I decided this was definitely the MOST people we had ever seen at Disneyland. We were so LUCKY to go on so many of the most popular rides during the morning. Wow! We really could not go on any other rides unless we waited for 80 minutes. We did go on Star Tours - it was about a 60 minute wait. We did get a really great spot to see the incredible fire works show - it was the BEST I have ever seen! That will certainly be long remembered. Becca and Nick wanted to go on Indiana Jones again, so Rod and I found a seat and just waited for them. They had such a blast. We stayed in the park till 11:30. We were exhausted.
As is tradition, we gave the kids money for their choice of souvenir. Nick picked this Captain Jack Sparrow hat.
Becca went for the darling and comfy Mickey slippers.
This was such a fun adventure with our family. I will long treasure this special week and all the great things we were able to do!