Luka is going to take the plunge into the foam blocks.

Cooper is jumping into the bin.
Cooper got star stamps on his hands a feet for doing such a great job.I have always loved his sweet hands and his "Flintstone" feet.
We did one of my favorite activities! We went on a hike. This is at the trail head to Donut Falls up Big Cottonwood Canyon. The wild flowers were so beautiful! The mountains were majestic against the blue of the sky, and I have always loved the clouds in the Utah sky. Savannah and Cooper are anxious to get on the trail.

I was able to attend Savannah's end of the school program. This was performed by the First Grade classes. It was a great program with songs and poems. Savannah had a couple of speaking parts and did a great job. Luka was very glad when the program was over... It was hot in there! I don't think they had on the air conditioning.

Savannah's teacher made a book and a CD for all the children in her class, which she presented to each student after the program.

My tree shot of Cooper.
I have always felt such a special connection to this little guy.
He starts kindergarten this year. I can't believe it!

Princess Savannah - she has always been a good poser for the camera.
This is Luka's tree shot.
He got stuck when we tried to put him up there.
Here is the gang crossing the bridge over the river that comes from the falls.
I thought this tree stump looked just like a dragon's head.
Cooper was brave and touched the dragon.
Ryan is helping Savannah and the other kids over a scary, slippery part of the journey.
So Beautiful! I could not believe how green everything was!
We were too tired to make dinner after our hike, so we ate at Rhumbi. Savanna and Luka are sharing a soda. She is a kind a loving big sister, and is very helpful.
We went to some fireworks that night, too! Here I am with Savannah. I guess I better put up one picture of myself...

Katie's friend, Rachael, and her boys and cute baby girl joined us on this hike. It was great for the kids. Only about a mile and a half round trip.

There were so many blue bells! I showed them to Cooper and he said, "oh, they are so cute." He walked over and gently flipped one to see if it would ring. :o)

This is the actual falls. At the top is the part that goes down a big hole in the rock - thus the donut. Then it comes out an cascades over the rocks. You can climb all the way to the top.

Here are my three beautiful girls.
They are my favorite people...
Next day we went swimming. Luka is very independent in the water and doesn't want anyone to touch him. I tried to take him in the wading pool, and he just cried for his "Daddy!"
Ryan got brave and pulled Julie in to pool with her clothes on. Because of that he had to take her challenge for a race. He wanted to do the short length of the pool (c'mon!). They are getting ready for the gun...
You can see by this photo finish who the winner was!

She is totally laughing that she won with all her clothes on!
Still pretty happy and smug about her victory...
We had our own fireworks at home on the 4th. Katie and Julie made so much fun of me because I did not know how to use a lighter. Sorry, I have never owed a "lighter." I use matches for my birthday candles.
When we went outside to start the sparklers, the kids noticed all these little tiny frogs in the grass. I caught one for them. See how tiny?

Luka was quite fascinated with all of the fireworks and sparklers.

Coop liked his sparklers.
Next adventure was our annual trip to Cherry Hill. We had a blast! It was a perfect day with sunshine, but not too hot. Brittany and her kids joined in the fun, and Ava was back from California for this day, too.

Cooper was my water slide buddy.
We had a blast going down the big slide together.

The kids all loved going on the Lazy River with aunt Becca.

I love this one of Ava going down the little slide.
Luka enjoyed all of the fountains.

He loved the water slide, too. He would get so mad and cry when he had to wait in line to go down. He just wanted to cut in and slide!
How blessed I am to have such a beautiful family, and to have the gift of time to spend with them. Katie and Julie are really good mothers. They are doing all kinds of things to create beautiful memories for their children. This takes much work and sacrifice. Thanks for being such great women, you two! I am so proud of you. Thanks for my beautiful grandchildren! This was a great week.