Nothing like a brother to help you party on...![]()
Becca is a party animal, too.
Cute boys. Well... maybe I should say crazy boys.
Happy Birthday, Nick! We love you!
Really now . . . I have serious doubts about the age we consider our kids adults. I think they are too young at 18 to have the responsibility of voting, being on their own, getting married, and especially fighting our wars. Why do we push them out so early? Maybe we should let them hang around until they are 20 - no longer in the "teens" before bestowing all of the responsibilities of the adult world - let them get a couple of years of college under their belts and experience life other than high school before turning them totally loose. We don't let them legally drink until they are 21...
After the birthday dinner, Nick went to work with Allen and experienced what it is like to be in a jail. I think it really opened his eyes. The next day, poor Nick had the flu! He barfed all day long. What a way to spend your first Saturday after starting school! We were pretty worried about him and almost took him to the emergency room to get hydrated but he rallied in the evening and started keeping liquids down. He laid low on Sunday and drank lots of Gatorade and sprite. Today he was all better, thank goodness!

Nick brought his good friend, Chris, to his birthday dinner at the Texas Roadhouse Grill. They have the best prime rib ever! We are glad that Chris could join us.

Riding the Birthday Saddle . . . Yee Haawwwww!