I didn't know If I could do this climb. It is the most steep climb I have ever done. We actually had a 73 year old woman with us that climbed clear to the top. She is my hero and I want to be just like her when I am her age. She has been doing camp for 35 years. I love you, HughLene.
This is a shot of the "Big Dog" - the largest boat they even allow on Lake Powell. It was such a beautiful boat - truly a floating hotel, and our own commercial kitchen.
This summer, I had the opportunity of going to Lake Powell for Girls Camp. It was Becca’s first year, so I was even more excited to go with her. We had such a great time. We were lucky enough to stay on some gorgeous and luxurious house boats. The girls stayed up top, and the leaders actually got to use a cabin with a real bed! I was over the 4th year girls’ certification program, so I got to go on a little overnight hike and stay out under the stars with the girls. We cooked foil dinners (yummy!) and had a fireside meeting. The girls seemed to have a really great time. During the week, we worked on certifications, hiked “Hole in the Rock,” which was amazing, and walked in to “Rainbow Bridge.” They had some really nice touring boats that took us to these locations. We had some great cooks that made sure we had plenty of good food. The morning and evening meetings for the girls were meaningful and spiritual and the girls were very responsive to the theme “Anchored to Christ.” Earlier in the year, when I knew about camp being at Lake Powell, Becca and I wrote a really neat camp song. Becca can play it on her guitar. Here it is: We’re the crew from the ship Peoria, sailing off to Lake Powell. Sunscreen, sleeping bags, and some junky food hidden in our towels. Yeah, we are “Anchored to Christ.” He’s our harbor and light. Yeah, we are “Anchored to Christ.” We will choose the right. Fill our sails with the winds of faith and we can ride out the storms. Reading scriptures and having prayer time leads us back to his arms. Yeah, we are “Anchored to Christ.” He’s our harbor and light. Yeah, we are “Anchored to Christ.” We will choose the right. I taught the song to my 4th year girls and the seemed to enjoy it. Becca taught it to our ward the last couple of days and they sang it on the bus on the way home. I was impressed with all of the Priesthood support we had there. The men who came worked so hard and made sure that things were in order and comfortable for all of the campers. They burned trash, anchored boats, emptied latrines, hauled supplies, carried food and worked tirelessly each day so that the girls could have a good experience at Lake Powell. What a great blessing it was to attend this special girl’s camp!