On Saturday Becca, Rod and I got up early and went to work with several of our ward members at the Peopria Pride project. This is an annual event sponsored by the City of Peoria. They provide all of the supplies, such as gravel, wood, paint, and equipment for renovation in selected neighborhoods to refurbish and renew the look. We, as citizens of the community, provide the manpower. The church is involved in this event as a service project. We had a great turnout from our youth. They worked hard, and after we were done, the all came to our house for donuts and drinks.

As you can imagine, we breathed in a great deal of dust from working in the gravel.

We dug up Bermuda grass, removed old gravel, and raked and smoothed the new gravel.

The young men really hustled and got the job done.

Several of the men worked on putting up fences. They used posthole diggers, plumblines, hammers, shovels, etc. They did a very professional job.

The girls learned about "manual labor."

The bishop and his boys take a look at the newly refurbished flower bed they just finished.

The McLains are always there with a smile and a helping hand. She is the YW president in our ward and is just amazing with what she does with our girls.

Sister McOmber was there with a drill in hand, and she was also found on the end of a shovel, a rake, a broom, or whatever else needed doing. One of the city workers there commented to her "you just don't stop, do you?" I told him if you want a job done, just get a bunch of Mormons together.

It is always good to get together with ward members. Whether we work or play, it builds our bonds of unity. I am so glad I got to go and participate in this great event. As I looked up and down the street, and saw over a hundred members of our stake out working together, I was so overcome with love for these wonderful brothers and sisters in the gospel. It was amazing to see this project!