Early in May my house became a construction zone. Lots of stuff was moved into the garage:
Lots of stuff was out on the back patio:

We tore out the tile in the family room, kitchen, dining room, laundry room, and the little front entry way. Wow! Our back yard looks so bad! (
PWT) And it just gets worse and worse throughout the project, cause lots of stuff got thrown away, too!

This is what all of the floors looked like when the tile was gone. What a mess! We swept and vacuumed and mopped and swept some more to get up all the dust and broken pieces of tile.
Once all the grit was cleaned up it wasn't so bad. I just kept telling myself that it would be worth it when the whole project was finished. It was time to refurbish! We have lived in this house for 5 years now, and haven't done anything to it so we decided to bite the bullet and fix it up a bit. We decided to do the tile floors, paint, get new kitchen counters and sink, and new carpet! Yes!!
We taped off cabinets, rooms, and furniture to try to keep the dust from the tile removal to a minimum. Didn't help at all! We taped off lots of rooms in the house when we spray painted our vaulted ceiling in the living room - but there was still "paint dust" in every little nook and cranny. I even had to vacuum it out of the upholstery that was so carefully guarded- even moved out to the garage.

Nick was the best painter ever! He could sure use that spray gun! He did a FANTASTIC job on the ceilings. Who ever knew that sprayed cottage cheese ceilings could look so good!

There was lots of spray in the air! Glad we don't do this every day.

Then Rod and I attacked the walls and painted the family room, living room, hallway, and kitchen. It was lots of work. I would go to bed so dead-dog-tired at night. I sure can't work like I did when I was in my 30s! I can really feel the difference in my body! I was so sore after painting the ceiling in the kitchen, I didn't think I would ever recover! What a way to spend the second half of my summer vacation.
But I sure love the way the walls looked when the painting was done! Everything is so light, so beautiful! More to follow . . .