Monday, August 30, 2010


Saturday evening, Rod and I were relaxing in the family room. I was on the computer and he had the TV on. All at once a storm warning interrupted the program. "Severe electrical storm warning through all of Maricopa County until 6:00 PM." I looked at the clock. It was 5:20 - "That's us!" I exclaimed. "WE are in Maricopa County." At that time, there was no wind, no lightening" I felt all safe and snug in my home. As I was cruising blogs, and peeking on on FaceBook, I heard a huge crashing noise. "CrrrrrAAASHHHHH!" What on earth...? (It was 6:00 straight up)Rod and I both jumped up. Seems that the electrical storm decided to target our yard. A strong wind had come up and it blew over a storage closet we had sitting in the middle of our back patio. It blew it over into the green house window in my kitchen and shattered it.
Rod moved quickly and threw the closet aside to assess the damage to the window. Looks like it bent the frame a little, too. Dang!
We were going to get rid of the closet, anyway. As part of our "refurbishing" we got rid of a bunch of "stuff" we didn't really need anymore, and the closet was one of the items.
Rod starts picking up the broken shards of glass and rescuing the objects that weren't broken.
I got out the utility knife and started cutting cardboard to cover the broken areas to keep the heat out.
This is now what I see when I glance out the kitchen window...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH man- what a pain! Love that band aide that Rod made:)