Sunday, October 08, 2006

A 3-Decade Tribute

How does a mother even begin to write a fitting tribute to a wonderful daughter that is turning 30? Well… let’s just begin.

September 25th, 1976. I started labor about 7:00 AM. My brother-in-law came over to our apartment and I made breakfast for Lenny and Scott. I did not eat because I suspected that labor had begun. I had a Dr. appointment later in the morning and he said it looked like things were getting ready for the baby to come. After that appointment we decided to go for a walk to speed things along. We walked down the street to an ice cream place – I was soooooo hungry! I just had to have a strawberry shake – my favorite. We went to the old Logan Hospital (no longer there) in the evening. Dr. Parkinson came in and broke my water before he went out for the evening. It gushed all over the sleeves of his suit coat. I was mortified! After a while, Scott got hungry, so he left to get some dinner. He came back and we watched walking tall on TV. The labor was getting pretty intense by then. It was close to midnight when they called the Dr. in. I had to do some hard pushing and she just would not come out! The Dr. waved the forceps and threatened to use them so I really got to work. Katie was born in a matter of minutes after that threat. She was so big! 8 lb. 11 oz., with a round little face and long dark hair that stuck out all over. She looked like a little papoose! She was very sweet natured and knew just what to do the first time I tried to nurse her. It was love at first sight for me, and I knew then just how much my own mother must love me. Never had my heart felt such strong love and devotion.

2 months old – learned how to suck her thumb. This made her a very good baby.

2 years old – Katie like to blow “gubbows” and help change the “sheeps” on her bed. I loved her little way of talking and she had a cute little lisp. I made this dress for her out of a sheet. I used the major part for a table cloth and thought this print would be a cute dress for her. I learned how to do machine smocking in this dress.

3 years old – had tubes in her ears and tonsils out. The Dr. burned her lip with the cauterizer, causing a huge blister to form on her bottom lip. He later did plastic surgery to correct the burn, but Katie still carries a little scar on the corner of her mouth from this. She had very thick fluid in her ears and had to have tubes two more times. To this day, she is susceptible to ear problems.

4 years old – On her birthday, Katie stopped sucking her thumb “cold turkey.” I had talked about it to her for several months, explaining that a 4-year-old was just too old to suck a thumb. I guess she really believed me and did not suck her thumb while awake after her 4th birthday! I got pregnant with Julie and was very sick. To entertain Katie, I would lie on the couch and we would play a card game “Spank the Berry Bird.” I also read stories to her many times a day.

Kindergarten – Katie was playing “Superman” with Melanie and Michael Cox. They were jumping off the bunk bed at the Cox’s. She jumped off and hurt her wrist, but she kept playing. She jumped off again, and ended up breaking her wrist.

1st grade – On the last day of school, Katie came home crying and said she would never love another teacher like Mrs. Huntington.

2nd grade – joined the Blue Dolphins swim team and started competing.

4th grade – played the part of the Tin Man in her class play. She was always active in her school activities.

5th grade – Katie joined 4-H and raised rabbits. She won first prize at the fair. She had to make a hat for one of her projects and we had beautiful roses in our yard. This is the hat she made. This has always been one of my favorite pictures of Katie.

7th grade – Katie started her cheerleading career. She was on a cheering squad all through Jr. High and High School when she decided her Senior year she did not want to cheer anymore.

Freshman year – Every time I passed the school the first week, I would cry because Katie was now in High School.

Sophomore year – In addition to wearing braces for two years, Katie had surgery to correct her overbite. Her mouth was held shut by very tight rubber bands for about 6 weeks. She could eat only soft foods – no chewing!

Junior Year – Katie was interested in FFA (Future Farmers of America). She raised a pig she called “Bill Clinton.” The judging at the fair was hilarious to watch. The kids creep around the pig with their long canes, never taking their eyes of the judge.

Senior year – Katie was the secretary of her FFA chapter.

21st Birthday – Katie teased me that I was twice as old as she was.

October 13, 2001 – Katie and Ryan were married in the Salt Lake Temple - a wonderful day in the life of my daughter that I shall never forget.

As a wife and mother, Katie has been completely organized and competent. She is kind, compassionate, and loves her little family with the ferocity only a mother can muster. She is faithful to the church and fills her callings with excellence. She is a loyal friend, a devoted sister and a daughter that truly fills my life with joy.

Happy Birthday, Katie!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks mom!