Monday, September 10, 2007

Labor Day Hike

Getting ready for the trail with lots of sunscreen.

He looks like a happy camper. (hiker)
As promised, here is a report on our Labor Day Hike. The kids were sooooooo good on this outing. They did not murmur or complain the whole day. It was really fun! I think they actually ENJOYED the whole outing. Rebecca even said the ruins were "cool." Becca took along her friend, Mckaela. They had lots of fun goofing around.

The indian ruins were, once again, very interesting and inspiring. We all commented on how they could still be there and be so perfect. We wonder what the people ate, and how they raised their children up in the cliffs (and how they went to the bathroom at night without falling off the cliff!)

I like this silhouette of Nick as he is looking out from under the ledge.

Becca and Kaela found a stray hiker and he actually let them kiss his cheeks as they shared his rock seat!

These two were quite the ladies in the cliffs. Just look at that pose and the serious and thoughtful faces.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks fun. I can't believe Becca is actually wearing shorts. She looks cute!