Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Birthday, Katie!

Katie has a birthday on September 25th! One of the things I have always loved about Katie is that she has wanted and loved her sisters so much! She was so excited when Julie was born. She was never jealous of the attention and gifts received by her baby sister. She would just stand there by the cradle and smile. She could not wait until her sister was big enough to sleep with her! She was 17 when Becca was born, and was even more excited to have another sister! Between Katie and Julie, I hardly ever got to hold my new baby. Katie didn't want to go away to college because she was afraid Becca wouldn't know her. And even when she and Julie had their own rooms, the usually ended up sleeping in the same room (and bed) anyway. There is something special about that eldest child, and Katie is no exception to that! She is self-motivated in everything she does, and has natural leadership abilities. She has high expectations (sometimes too high!) and strives for excellence. She is responsible, intelligent, spiritual, talented, kind, charitable, lovable, fun (no one can make me laugh like Katie - except maybe Julie and Becca!) and she is a wonderful hostess. Katie is a devoted friend, wife and mother. All who know her are greatly blessed by her valiant spirit and her kindness to all she meets. Katie has always had such a beautiful smile, and is so photogenic. I am so proud of her and all she has accomplished in her life. She is a marvelous example to her younger sisters, and takes great pains to make sure their lives are happy and comfortable. I could never ask for a more wonderful daughter, EVER! I love reading her blog and keeping up with the happenings of my grand kids. I am so thankful that she takes the time to do this. It is a great record of her life. And best of all, she is my dearest friend! Truly my cup runneth over!


Unknown said...

Thanks mom! I love you so much.

Allan and Diane said...

Happy B'day to Katie. I can hardly believe these girls have grown into such beautiful women. Katie feels like one of our girls and I also love to keep up to date with her life on her blog. She is such a darling mom and seems to have so much fun with her little family (which will soon not be so little). Best wishes katie and congrats. to you grandma!

julie said...

I am so thankful to have Katie for my older sis! I couldn't have asked for a better sister to follow as an example. I thank my lucky stars for her everyday!

Anonymous said...

What beatiful girls!