"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company ... a church ... a home. the remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, an d that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10%F what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our Attitudes." ----Charles R. Swindoll I loved this quote and I have thought about it all week long. I really belive in the power of positive thinking. I have always tried to be upbeat - not perfect at it - but I know that we can find the joy in life if we look for it.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
As I came to work on Monday this week, there was a really nice letter on my desk from my principal. This is what it said:
Monday, February 16, 2009
So Becca and Julie totally cracked me up with their wresting. Believe me, it was noisy and fast! Becca is trying a kick move on Julie.
Julie shows Becca how to really kick! Luka is like "are you guys for real?"
Better watch out, Becca - Julie is fast. I loved the way their hair is flying around in this shot!

The "choke" hold.

The full on "smash-your-opponent-with-your-body" hold?
Becca decides to do a body slam. I don't think I have every seen Julie move so fast!
Oh, how I love laughing with my girls. Katie was the announcer and they had such corny names. Something with the street where we lived when they were born and their first pet's name. Julie was Wigdal Pillow, and Becca was Dairy Bear. I told them I could beat them all with the wrestle. All I would have to do is sit on them! We laughed so much and had the best time together.

We did get to play may favorite game, too: "Ticket to Ride." I did not win this round :o(
So... watch out for next time. I am plotting my strategies, girls!
Precious little things...

Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad!
LaRue had us over for dinner to celebrate Dad's 83rd Birthday. She fixed a wonderful dinner and then told about how our children are related and how their children are related and about our great and great-great grandparents and how we are all tied together as a family. She had dad share some of the stories of his childhood. The little kids were quite taken with his stories.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Very Special Occasion
The Occasion? Wedding day for Matthew Cox. I mean I remember when this outstanding young man was born, and his beautiful ringlets as he grew from a baby to a toddler. And now just look at him!
What a beautiful but cold day. Yes, it was snowing as we walked in to the Salt Lake Temple, and yes, I complained about that bitterly. But the purpose of the day way overshadowed the cold weather. How could anything be more beautiful than to see two worthy people kneel across the alter to be married for eternity. Matt and his beautiful bride were so radiant. What a very sweet spirit was there as we witnessed their marriage. I am so very thankful that I could be there for that special occasion.
Katie, Melanie and cute baby Wesley. It was so much fun to see Becky with her grandson!
Tina and Mark. Aren't they BEAUTIFUL people??
The handsome groom and his gorgeous mother. It was amazing to see Becky and feel of her spirit. She was so gracious - a marvelous hostess as always. I know that each person there was made to feel special by her attention and love. We totally missed Bob and want him to know we were all thinking of him. They knew this event would probably happen during their missionary service, and decided they could handle it. There were bitter/sweet tears, and we all wished Bob could have been there. Know that your sacrifice was not unnoticed! You are amazing people. Thank you for your incredible example and for sharing the beautiful day with all of us!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cute, Cute Cute!
So I get to visit my grandkids! I really came for a wedding, but this was a big PERK! I love to get them silly presents. I gave Cooper these "spare body parts." They got the biggest laugh out of the ears, noses, fingers, and mouths. At least once every day, I would come out of a room to be startled by one of these little faces laughing at their "spare parts." Even Luka liked them. He would swing his head around to make the ears move and just laugh at his fingers.

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