Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Very Special Occasion

The Occasion? Wedding day for Matthew Cox. I mean I remember when this outstanding young man was born, and his beautiful ringlets as he grew from a baby to a toddler. And now just look at him! What a beautiful but cold day. Yes, it was snowing as we walked in to the Salt Lake Temple, and yes, I complained about that bitterly. But the purpose of the day way overshadowed the cold weather. How could anything be more beautiful than to see two worthy people kneel across the alter to be married for eternity. Matt and his beautiful bride were so radiant. What a very sweet spirit was there as we witnessed their marriage. I am so very thankful that I could be there for that special occasion. Katie, Melanie and cute baby Wesley. It was so much fun to see Becky with her grandson!
Tina and Mark. Aren't they BEAUTIFUL people??
The handsome groom and his gorgeous mother. It was amazing to see Becky and feel of her spirit. She was so gracious - a marvelous hostess as always. I know that each person there was made to feel special by her attention and love. We totally missed Bob and want him to know we were all thinking of him. They knew this event would probably happen during their missionary service, and decided they could handle it. There were bitter/sweet tears, and we all wished Bob could have been there. Know that your sacrifice was not unnoticed! You are amazing people. Thank you for your incredible example and for sharing the beautiful day with all of us!

1 comment:

Patty said...

That is so exciting that Matthew is married and that Becky was able to come to the wedding.