My dear Dad - 85 years old. |
Father's day was very special this year. My sister, Janet, invited all of us to her home for a wonderful dinner with our dad. We enjoyed spending time together as siblings, as this does not happen often. I live far away from everyone, so I miss the family get-togethers. It was so nice to spend time with LaRue and Fred (her new husband!), Janet and Lenny, and Dave and Kelly. I love them all so much! We were able to sit at Dad's feet while he shared stories about his boyhood that we all loved hearing as children. He is as great story teller. I am so glad that some of my grandchildren were able to hear their "Great Harris" talk about his life as a boy. They were very attentive and quite fascinated with the stories. Katie was able to videotape this story time for us. I know we will all treasure this time with our Dad.
Dave, me, LaRue, Dad and Janet. |
Janet was kind enough to make it an open invitation to my kids and grandkids as well. She knows I don't always get to spend time with the ones that live in Utah. Thanks, Janet. It really was a wonderful day!
Cooper peeking out from under the bench. |
The neighbors behind Janet's home have a beautiful pasture with horses. Often there are deer as well. The deer sneak over the fence and eat her garden!
The kids loved the horses in the pasture behind Janet's house. |
My grandkids used to have have horses across from where they lived, and so they were not afraid to feed carrots to the horses. They loved it!
Savannah gives the horse a baby carrot. |
It was really fun to see Becca encourage the little ones around the horses. As a little girl, she loved being with them and was never afraid of these gentle giants.
I haven't seen Becca around horses for a long time. She always loved them. |
So fun to see my nephews, KC and Jordan - both returned home from their missions. |
Luka had fun jumping off the boulders in Janet's yard. He is such a fun little boy!
Luka is so exuberant. I just love his smile! |
The drive to and from Logan was so beautiful! We did get rained on and I was somewhat distressed as the temperature was only in the 50s. I am so used to the Phoenix temperatures! But there are no more beautiful skies than in Cache Valley, especially when it has been raining.
I was quite emotional today. My Dad is quite feeble - he can hardly walk. He cannot hear well, so it is hard to communicate with him, but he warmed right up when we asked him to tell his stories. I hadn't seen him that animated for quite some time. He talked on for more than half an hour. We were amazed! When it was all done, he said he was tired and wanted me to take him home. We acutally had a wonderful conversation on the way back to Bountiful where he lives. I have always been very close to my dad. He is my hero. I love him so much and appreciate the wonderful childhood that he and my mom gave me. They always believed in me, and they taught me correct principals by their tremendous examples. Truly, I was born of goodly parents. For that blessing I will always be most grateful.