Sunday, June 05, 2011

Something special

 My sister, LaRue, lost her husband last year to cancer. We attended his funeral when we went out for our summer vacation in June. She was blessed to find new love in her life when she met her new husband, Fred. I wish them every happiness. They are a wonderful couple!
LaRue and Fred Campbell
They were married April 28th and celebrated with family and friends on May 28th. We were so glad we had a long weekend so we could be there for this special occasion. They had a reception/dinner at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake City. It was so much fun to see her kids and grandkids, especially the ones that live in Alaska. I did not take pictures (boooo!), but Rod got a beautiful shot of the Salt Lake temple out the window.


Bethany said...

I'm so glad you got to go there and be there for your sister. She looks very happy.

The Skinners said...

what a great post! I am so happy for her and it was great to see you as well.