Tuesday, September 05, 2006


A year after getting Becca her guitar (I really can't believe it has been that long, but it has) I finally got her a guitar teacher for some lessons. He is very excited about teaching her and is impressed with how much she has taught herself already. She is progressing rapidly and is learning much already. Nick has been chosen for the drum line at Cortez High School, so he will be involved in band. Nick and Becca have decided they want instruments for Christmas: Becca wants an ELECTRIC guitar, and Nick wants drums. They have decided to form a band for their own enjoyment have are constantly talking about their plans. They listen to music constantly and spend their allowance on i-tune cards. They are at the computer listening, or have on their headphones listening. They listen in the car. They listen when they rollerblade. They listen when doing homework. They listen at the mall. They even try to get away with listening in one ear while conversing with others and during Family Home Evening. That is where I put my foot down. We have had to make a rule that there are no headphones at the table during dinner so we can try to converse a little. Don't get me wrong. Music is a good thing, and there are MUCH worse things these kids could be involved with. It's just that sometimes it is good to have a little peace and quiet in the brain. And I think it is rude to listen to ipods when people are trying to communicate. I also do not think that kids study better to music. Everything I have read or heard about this subject states that kids do better on their homework when it is quiet, well lighted, and there are no interruptions such as television, etc.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cute pictures. I am so glad they are involved in music. It is so fun. I know Becca really loves that guitar!