Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Day Hike

Christmas Day 2006 was the most unusual I have ever experienced. We had no children at home and we actually slept until after 8:00 AM. It was heavenly! We must have really needed the rest 'cause that is very unlike us. Then we got up, made some calls and had a late breakfast. We planned on going on a hike for several weeks, so we got our hiking gear out and got ready to go! I told Rod that he could plan the hike and I would plan and prepare the lunch. I made our traditional tuna sandwiches that we love to have when we hike. I also put in some Christmas cookies and some homemade trail mix. (M&M's, Craisins, Cashews, and Peanuts) We got our water supply ready and loaded into the car. We headed to the White Tanks. We were quite shocked at the line of cars going into the park on Christmas Day. Fortunately, all the people were going to the shorter and more popular trails. We picked a trail we had never been on called the "Goat Trail." It is actually a 12+ mile round trip hike and goes up to the radio towers that can be seen on one of the highest peaks of the White Tanks. There were only two other cars at the trail head, so we had the solitude on the trail that we were seeking. The trail started out very well groomed and sandy. Then it got steep and rocky, and I was glad to have my trekking poles. We hiked in just a little over three miles to a peak where we could see the Phoenix valley on one side and the radio towers on the other side. The weather was perfect! In the 60s. I actually got a chill as we sat in a shady spot for lunch. I don't care what the temperature is, if I am hiking I work up a sweat. My back was wet where my day-pack was against my body and the waist band of my jeans was also wet with sweat. I know that's gross - but I really sweat easily - especially when I am physically active. I enjoyed taking a few shots with my new digital camera. On the way down my legs got quite wobbly and I wondered what in the world I had done to myself! I can climb all day very easily - but the going down is the hard part for me. Once again, the trekking poles took a lot of pressure off my knees. When we got home, we decided to eat out. We had a big surprise when no restaurants were open - but we did luck out and discover that my favorite Mexican restaurant (Arribas) was open. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner and I didn't cook a thing! Even though we missed the kids, it was still a really great Christmas Day, and we were able to appreciate the spirit of the day, by "communing with nature," without the commercial side. I must confess that today my legs are a little sore!

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