Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Because Nick and Becca will not be with us for Christmas, we celebrated this famed and beloved holiday last weekend. Friday night was "Christmas Eve." I took Friday off from work so I could get all the weekend chores done, do some grocery shopping, and meet Rod for a nice lunch together. Nick requested chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes instead of the traditional Mexican food - so that is what we had. Becca requested something chocolate for dessert. We had a really good dinner together and then went shopping so that Nick and Becca could get gifts for each other. We came home and Becca read the Christmas story to us from Luke 2. The kids wanted to get to bed at 9:30 so that Santa could come - so they went to bed with no fuss! Wow! Santa had done some saving and planning for this Christmas, and he really came through for Becca and Nick. Becca wanted an electric guitar. She took me to the Guitar Center and showed me the exact guitar that she wanted, along with accessories - like an amplifier. Nick wanted a drum set, so the guy showed us some nice drum sets also. It just so happens that Santa brought Becca that exact guitar - right color and everything - and Nick got a really nice drum set. The kids were bursting with happiness over their Christmas gifts. Becca said she was going to "keep this guitar til she dies!" Nick just kept saying this was the best Christmas he had ever had and finally just threw his arms around me and hugged me with his emphatic "thank yous!" The kids have turned our spare room into a music room and they play their instruments to their hearts' content. I got a really nice digital camera that will fit in my purse. Rod says I will now be the expert photographer and blogger. Rod got a really nice hiking fanny pack so he can carry water without pressure on his back, and a compass that he has had his eye on. He also got a really great National Geographic mapping program for the state of Arizona. Monday night we experience the excitement of giving anonymously. We got some treats and left them on doorsteps with a little Christmas note. The kids enjoyed that and understood the feelings that come from secret pal type giving. They want to do that again. All said and done - we had a really great time. Santa did forget one very important item - EAR PLUGS!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds great- Wish I could have been there. I would love to hear Becca play. Only a few more days until we see you- that is more exciting than Christmas for everyone in this house:)