Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I Love The Piano

The last 4 and a half years I have taken the time to really play the piano like I have always wanted to. For a couple of years I took some lessons from my niece, Angy, and that really improved skills. I probably drive my poor family crazy with my playing all the time, but I shut the door to the family room to hopefully mute some of the sound while they are watching TV. I would rather play the piano that any other activity. In fact, I lose track of time and stay up too late sometimes. Recently, I have had the chance to play a solo in church, accompany a flute player, and play with Becca on her guitar. I am now working on Christmas music, which is my favorite. I am preparing a solo for our Enrichment night, accompanying a special duet for a Relief Society lesson, and a piano organ duet for the Sunday before Christmas (the 23rd). As I sit at the piano and play, I have such great feelings of satisfaction, enjoyment, peace and more enjoyment. Words really cannot express the joy I experience when I play. I started playing in church the summer I turned 11. We lived in a little tiny branch in Tennessee for the summer, and I played in primary because they did not have a piano player. I even played in Sacrament meeting there a few times. As an adult, I have always played in church in some capacity or another. The ability to play the piano has really blessed my life. I want to thank my parents for their encouragement and sacrifice to provide me with lessons, and their patience as I played the piano constantly. I also want to thank Heavenly Father for the blessing of music in my life. In my younger years, I was fairly decent at singing and enjoyed performing various musical numbers in church. Mostly I have accompanied others as they perform - the choir, small groups, various instruments, and soloists. I have even composed music for Road Shows and done a little transposing. I really love anything I can do with the piano. I only have one regret which is that I did not take my lessons more seriously and that I neglected playing as much as I wanted to for a lot of years. Rod is so supportive of me. He never complains about my playing, does not begrudge me the time I spend at the piano, and always says, "that sounds pretty." :0) I am so thankful for the ability to play that was given to me as a special gift from Heavenly Father. I have also been blessed to always have a really nice piano to play. I am so blessed to have music a part of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so great at the piano. I love hearing you play as well.