Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Perfect Day

Saturday was a day that I will add to my "Perfect Day" list. First of all, I got to wake up next to Rod! We got our stuff together and traveled north for an adventure in the beautiful Red Rock area in Sedona. The drive was beautiful. The some of the saguaro cactus are still blooming, white, yellow, and red blossoms. As we started making altitude, the terrain changed and soon we were in the "high desert" with cedar trees, which soon included pines. The sky was laced with beautiful wispy clouds which curtained a brilliant blue sky. We planned to hike the Boynton Canyon trail and take a little turn off at the end where there were supposed to be some Indian ruins. The scenery on the trail was so beautiful! There was a lot of different kinds of tress and bushes. I was just fascinated with these particular bushes with the brilliant red bark. We had quite a climb up some rocky and steep areas to reach this ruin. It was not visible from the trail. It was settled way back under an overhang. Rod is standing in the doorway. Here is one of the rooms. This is a good shot of the whole ruin from one end. Note the overhang, once again. As we climbed up the hidden trail, we met Jackie and Harley. He had climbed up before and acted as our guide. He did a great job. They are from Virginia. Here is a shot of Rod and me sitting on some rocks near the ruin. This is a view look out from the ruin.I was amazed at all the red dirt that stuck to my legs at the end of the trail. E-e-e-ewwwwww! Gross! We stopped in at Costo on the way home, red dirt and all. We showered and rested and went out for a birthday dinner with some good friends. It really was a perfect day!


Unknown said...

Mom- sorry to say this but don't EVER wear that outfit around me:)

Chris Grover said...

WOW, great pictures! What a beautiful hike!! Looks like you had a great time!