Monday, August 06, 2007

The DREADED School Shopping!

Tonight, I bit the bullet and took the kids school shopping. It has not been a favorite activity of mine in the past, as I have been told not to walk too close, not to talk, and not to contribute anything but $$$ to the expedition. However, it was a whole different experience this evening. I took Nick and Becca together to the Arrowhead mall wondering what on Earth I was doing to myself after a long day at work. But they both found lots of cute outfits and had great success. There were no cross words or impatient comments. It was actually enjoyable! They were even patient while I cruised my favorite store - Christopher and Banks. I treated them to Carl's Jr. for being so good. It was difficult to get them to pose for the pictures, though. Becca was just so cute while laying her stuff out on the floor, but tried to avoid the photo. I asked Nick to put on his clothes so he took the plastic bag with an outfit in it and put it over his head. His comment: "I'm wearing my clothes." I missed a great Kodak moment there. I'm so glad that I have such cute and good teenagers in my home. It is truly a great gift. Two very good looking kids! Aren't they cute in their outfits? Becca looks so beautiful in blue - it really brings out her eyes. Nick is such a cute boy! I'm so glad they get along and are such good friends. It makes my life a whole lot easier, and it is fun to be around them.


Unknown said...

You must have started with an opening prayer like when we went bra shopping:)

Allan and Diane said...

wow--I had forgotten about school shopping. You must be living right to have survived so well. I remember well the long, frustrating days coming home with little or nothing and of course we had to drive for an hour to even find a store back in those days. You have definitely gotten that "burst" of energy to survive this second time around shopping season with those 2 darling kids. HATS OFF TO YOU ALL!

julie said...

When do I get to go school shopping! I won't complain or be cross, I will even ask for your opinion. They are definitely good looking kids, I miss having Becca around. I love you! Check out Sharons blog