Up for our early morning walk - the trek tryout - had to walk 4 miles in one hour or less. Started at 8:00 AM. It was a beautiful morning and we thoroughly enjoyed the walk. We had to keep up a pretty good pace, and to make it, even had to jog a little at the end. Then we hurried home for the delivery of . . .
How blessed we are! We were able to get a new washer and dryer delivered today! Hooray! Now the laundry can resume. Rod had an office party so I made Famous Dave's Baked Beans to take. The folks really enjoyed them. They called for grilled steak, grilled smoked sausage, and smoked bacon. It really made the kitchen smell good!
While doing the beans, I also made sweet corn salsa for our ward picnic, along with a chicken pasta salad. The salsa is always a big hit and the secret ingredient is Tiger Sauce! This colorful salsa packs a surprising punch with its sweet hot flavor and there is never a drop left!

Grocery shopping came next and then we went to Rod's little get-together for a few minutes. He really did not want to stay long. We had other things going on like...

A visit from Rod's sister, Janet, and her husband, Bob. They are here from New Mexico for a vacation with some sun. They came to our ward picnic with us and we had such a good time visiting with them.

Becca with a couple of her cute friends in
Briana and Taylor.

Some of my friends in the ward.

We love our ward family. There are so many amazing people and wonderful friends!
Our adorable sister missionaries.
Mclean and her husband brought their cool spring stilts.

Lots of the youth wanted to try them out including...
Becca! Above she is getting the stilts strapped on. They have to fit the legs and feet quite snugly.

Careful . . . this is certainly a time to lean on friends.

Maybe a little interview with the bishop will help.
This was a busy day! Our ward picnic was so much fun. We went home tired, but with a smile on our faces!