We took a day off from work and responsibilities on Wednesday and went to a D-Backs game with Janet and Bob. We did do some necessary stuff first, like get blood work done for our annual physicals and get the garage door opener fixed. But the afternoon was great! Thanks for the tickets, Jarret.

We drove down town and had lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory before hooking up with Janet and Bob. We parked at a big church just a few blocks from the stadium. I have never been to this particular stadium before. It was really beautiful, and I always enjoy going downtown Phoenix.

I love the color of the dirt and the beautiful green grass of the field. I love the sights and smells of a ball game. It always smells like hot dogs and mustard, cotton candy and peanuts. I love watching the people. (It's not really the ball game itself that I love, but all that goes along with it!) This was Rod's first professional baseball game, and so he especially enjoyed the experience. He had never done the seventh inning stretch - so I really belted out the old "Take Me Out to the Ball Game...." for his benefit. The game was rather boring as no one scored until the bottom of the seventh. Then the D-Backs kicked in and got two runs, which won them the game.

The big screens are a nice touch when you are sitting up in the nosebleed section. We decided we like these seats because you can see the whole field at once and for the real action, you can see the replays on the screen. This was an interesting stadium; there was actually a swimming pool over in one corner, and people were using it during the game. I have never heard of swimming during a professional ball game... in a pool located out in right field.
Weird. But we are so glad we got to spend this time with Janet and Bob. It was a great day to play
I remember when the Father and Sons would goto the Dodger games. That is really interesting that they had a swimming pool in the stadium.
I love a good ol' baseball game. It is so much fun to experience it all. I haven't been to one since Dad took Becca and I to a Dodger game the summer I was prego with Ava. I would love to bring Ava down next spring and catch a few spring training games!
I'm jealous. I love a good baseball game! Looks so fun!
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