Rod and Karla at the top of Sawtelle Peak near Island Park, Idaho. It is one of our most favorite view places. When on top of the peak, you can see in all directions. It is near the continental divide. This was taken on our first anniversary trip to Lenny and Janet's cabin.
Today is our 4th anniversary. It is strange that my daughter has been married longer than I have. But between us, Rod and I have over 55 years, so maybe that counts for something. I have posted some pics of Rod and me. I just want him to know that I have loved every second of our relationship. He has been such a blessing to me, and I hope I have likewise blessed his life. We sure have had fun. My favorite part of every day is when he walks through that door!
Rod at Fairy Falls in Yellowstone National Park. This was such a fun hike. We even had our lunch here and walked out to some geysers.
Same trip, but now we are at the Bar J, waiting for that good ole trail dinner and some great entertainment.

Here we are in Texas. We had only been married a year in this one.

This is a funny one - we were just dating at the time and we were on our way to a session of General Conference at the Conference Center in SLC. We got rained and snowed on as we ran back to the car after the session.

Another dating shot - Rod took me to Richfield to meet his brother. When his daughter saw this photo, she said she had never seen her Dad smile like that and to keep on doing whatever I was doing.

This one is at the Salt Lake Temple when my niece got married. We have enjoyed so many wonderful events together. I have loved our hikes, our walks, our long long talks, sitting together at church, grocery shopping, temple trips, meeting for lunch, Friday night dates and sleeping late on Saturdays, taking the kids to Sam's for lunch and grazing on the samples, planning for our future and saving money, walking the dog, just sitting in the same room and reading, talking politics (this one can really get him fired up!), gospel discussions (he is such a great scriptorian), sharing sunsets on a mountain top, calling each other to say "did you see that sky?" Christmas shopping, deep frying our Thanksgiving turkeys, meeting new friends, and just enjoying everyday life together. I have said it before, and I'll say it again: "Truly my cup runneth over." I love you, Rod!