Monday, July 09, 2007

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

I have wanted to post for SEVERAL days and have just not made the time to do it. We had such a great vacation, and I have so many pictures! But here is my favorite one. I caught Cooper kicking his ball at Cherry Hill. I took a couple of shots trying to catch the ball in the air and get him in action. Wow.... I think I got it! And if you look closely, you can see that the ball is positioned perfectly - it says "Life is Good." I mean, really. How often will this kind of shot happen?
We had such a great time in Island Park at Janet and Lenny's wonderful cabin. Rod and I walked around Silver Lake. It is such a beautiful place. We were hoping to see moose, or a bear, but all we saw were tracks on the trail - all kinds of tracks! We also saw the beautiful swans on the lake and some very unusual cranes out in the forest. We could hear them calling. It was almost haunting. Hear are a few shots of the lake.
Rod is checking out a few tracks on the trail here.
Truly Island Park is one of my favorite places. I just enjoyed sitting on the porch one afternoon with my book, as the wind quietly whispered through the tops of the pines. They sky was a brilliant blue, and the bees were busy with their afternoon buzzing. We enjoyed a trip to Macs Inn for a prime rib dinner and the play "The Robber Bride Groom." We tried to squeeze in as much as we could in to the three days we were there. WE always enjoy going to Johnny Sacks cabin to see the big fish in the clear spring water. Here is a shot of Big Springs and the little cabin built by Johnny Sack. Can you blame him for wanting to live in such a beautiful place? The water actually bubbles up out of the ground and flows down to create a river.


Anonymous said...

We drove to Island park on Friday afternoon and spent the weekend with Janet and Lenny. What a beautiful place! It sounds like you had a wonderful time - we did too.

Amy said...

I found your blog! Rather circuitously but here I am! I agree with you about Island Park, in fact I have a great-aunt who has a home there. In fact, something keeps niggling my brain that I need to get up there in the next few weeks to have a family history discussion with her. and then I saw your post and the niggle was back. guess i'm in for a drive in the short future! i love your blog - maybe because it "looks" a lot like mine! Thanks for your comment the other day! Take care & hope to see you again soon!