Today, we hiked up Adams Canyon. There is a beautiful bubbling creek all the way back to the end of the canyon, where there is a gorgeous 40 foot waterfall.

This is a shot of the beginning of the trail as it comes near the creek. We had to climb up several sandy switchbacks to reach this point.

Part way up, there is a huge boulder in the middle of the stream. There is a small waterfall on the other side, and some of the water runs under the boulder. Julie and Chris are checking out this amazing and beautiful sight. Further up the trail there is a little wooden bridge we had to cross. The creek was still high enough, that the bridge was wet, with water still washing over some of the slats.

When we reached the end of the canyon, we had to cross the river in order to see the waterfall nestled back at the end of the canyon. We all got wet feet!

The roar of the falls in our ears, and the spray on our faces was exhilarating. Not many folks reach this area, and it well worth going over the rough terrain, steep inclines, and rocky parts of the trail to see the falls.

Julie gives a coy smile. She is just so cute!
I am so glad that she came along on this hike today.

The sun sparkled off the river. It was dazzling to the eyes! I was a little nervous as I crossed over, but I did not slip. Just got some wet feet. I could not have asked for a more perfect day, or a more beautiful setting for a hike on my birthday. Thanks, Rod, for taking me here. And thanks Julie and Chris, for coming along. It made it even more special. I know it probably slowed the younger ones down a little to have us oldies leading the way, but it was still fun! I reminded Julie that this birthday makes me TWICE as old as she is right now.