Monday, June 09, 2008

Muller Park

After taking Savannah and Cooper to swimming lessons, we decided to try the trail at Muller Park. It was so LUSH and GREEN compared to the desert terrain to which we have become accustomed.
The grass is so thick and the trees formed a canopy over much of the trail.
There were TONS of flowers. This particular large bloom is a Mule's Ear. (if it's the same kind that grow up in Island Park near Janet's cabin.) There were dandelions everywhere, too.
I have always loved the contrast of the bright green the new growth on the pine trees makes against the older dark green needles. When the canopy of trees would break, we could see the valleys below and hills beyond. AI couldn't believe there was still snow on the highest peaks. The pine trees were so majestic and beautiful. I also love the smell of the pines. The only bad part of the trail was all the gross inch worms hanging down on their silk threads. They got all over us! Gross!
I swear it was so green it just hurt my eyes!
I loved this trail. I would like to do it again, when we have more time so we can go back in further than we went today. We'll have to study up on the trails and see where they go so we know which ones to follow. I have heard there are some old abandoned mines back in there somewhere.

1 comment:

Alice Faye said...

I haven't thought of Muller Park in years. It's beautiful-your pictures are great. By the way, happy birthday!!! I think youa are about 35 now, right?