Saturday, December 20, 2008

I am sad...

Today I am sad... even to the point of tears. Maybe I have PMS or something, but the feelings are real, so I guess I will just have a good cry. My kids are gone for Christmas. I took them to the airport this morning. I wanted a picture of them but Becca wouldn't stand by the tree, so I say "fine. I don't want your picture anyway," and stomp off to the car. How stupid of me. We did have some Starbucks at the airport, though, and a hug. My dad broke his arm, and I can't be there to help take care of him. I miss Katie and Julie so much it hurts. I just want to play the train game and do puzzles with them while we guzzle eggnog, Pomegranate 7up, and hot chocolate and eat Christmas goodies. I don't get to see my grand kids for Christmas this year. I am sick with a stupid cold, so I don't feel good anyway. I miss my siblings, LaRue, Janet and David. I miss my Mom. I miss my nieces and nephews. I miss my dear mother in law, who just passed away. (I do NOT, however, miss snow...) Perhaps it is the Holiday Blues... I will take a deep breath and get over this... I know I am blessed with such abundance, and I am not ungrateful in the least. Hopefully this sad spell will pass quickly. I am looking forward to my two week break from work. Perhaps I will go do some cleaning now and use up some energy being productive instead of sad. Maybe we can to go the matinee this afternoon when Rod gets home from work...


Krista and Aaron said...

I wish I could give you a big hug! Dont worry about Grandpa, we took him dinner last night and are planning on taking it in a few more times. I miss you and hope that the "blues" pass quickly! Have a cup of Egg will cheer you up.

heidi said...

I cried after going to the grocery store the day before thanksgiving because we didn't get to spend the time with family. Holidays without family are pretty depressing. We will miss you!

Unknown said...

We truly miss you. You better plan to come next Christmas- for Christmas with your grandkids and us! We would love to have you here. WE had fun shopping with Becca today.

julie said...

I miss you too! Is my crying mood rubbing off on you? I am sad about Christmas this year too for my Ava to be gone. I love you! Thanks for being my shoulder to cry on, even if it just over the phone it still helps.

The Skinners said...

I hope you can spend next year with family, thats too sad to be without everyone. Hugs from ALASKA!!! We wont be in Utah for Christmas, so I can understand missing lots of people you love during the holidays. Love ya

Allan and Diane said...

Well it is certainly O.K. to have an occasional Pity Party. And you have every reason to feel pangs of sadness from missing so many you love. I can DEFINATELY relate to your feelings. I can't let myself go there or I might go over the edge!! It too shall pass.