Friday, December 26, 2008

a blessing or a curse

Have you ever wondered what you would do without a cell phone? I have been thinking back . . . I have had one for years - and the last 3 years we haven't even had a land line because we all have cell phones, so why pay for a land line. I pretty much take my cell phone with me everywhere. So let me ask . . . do you control your phone, or does it control you? Do you answer every call, convenient or not? Do you interrupt a conversation with someone in the room to answer your phone? Do you talk on your phone when driving? We have been told that is very dangerous and that we should not do it. However, that is for everyone else, right? After all - we are invincible. Now - let me ask - do you have texting? How many texts to you do per month? On our bill the person with texting averages 5000 to 7500 messages per month. Is that excessive? Do you text when you drive? I certainly hope not! I think that is as bad as driving drunk. People die because other people are texting and cause accidents because they are not watching the road. They are focused on that small and miraculous electronic devise that makes us think we must stay in touch at all costs. Now let's get realistic. Our communications could actually wait for 10, 15 , or 20 minutes - or even longer. There is no need to be foolish and get caught up in thinking that we must make this call or take this call while driving, or while doing other things. Or that we can read a text or even worse, send one while driving. Please, my kids and grandkids are out there. What ever happened to good manners? We have all forgotten manners, because we are like Pavlov's dogs - when the bell rings we run. Come on, folks, take control.

1 comment:

Rachell's Place said...

I think it's both. I've never thought about it the way you have!