Saturday, March 19, 2011

Other things we did

Played games: Shrek Operation. I would fake them out by going "Bzzzz!" when they were carefully trying to take out Shrek's various organs and parts. It was funny!
Ava would have played this 24/7.
Ha! Julie got the breadbasket...
Lots of games of Monoply.
Made Ginger Snaps and Snickerdoodles (and ate them!)
Picking oranges at Rondaleen's is always so much fun! It is such a great springtime activity - especially now when the blossoms are there. It smells like HEAVEN!
Ava likes the smell of the oranges, too!
Rondaleen shows Ava the twisting technique to get the oranges to release from the stem. She also showed Ava the thorns on the tree. The can be wicked - my hands always look beat up after I pick oranges and grapefruit!
Some of my favorite girls here!
Ava liked this fountain at the Arizona Center downtown.
We also got to have pizza at Organ Stop. The girls liked the organ music - very entertaining! I'm so glad that Julie and Ava came for a springtime visit. I miss my Utah girls and grandkids more than words can express!

1 comment:

julie said...

It was soooo great to be there! Thanks for providing lots of fun for me and for Ava. Can't wait until next time :)