Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Perfect day for a perfect walk

Just goin' down the path...
Ryan found this fallen tree for Cooper to ride. Isn't he cute?
As we came to the end of the trail, here was this spot with the sun just shining on it and the leaves were just glowing with color!
Going to the car...
One last look. I love fall so much and this was my "fall fix."
We returned home from our little hike and Katie made a wonderful Sunday dinner. My Dad and Donna joined us, so I got to see my dear dad, too! Thanks Julie and Katie, for letting me stay with you, and for spending time with me. I love you so much! Can't wait to see you in November!
Traditions creating memories...

I tried to catch the sun shining through the leaves. I liked this shot.
Thank you Katie and Ryan, for sharing your "Robinson" family with me so freely.
It means the world to me. I love them, and you.
Keep those special family traditions going! Your kids will always look back on this stuff and say "rememer when..."
Friday, October 19, 2007
Am I Cupid ... or What?

4 generations - Dale, his mom (my dear Aunt Rouvoe), and his children and grandchildren.
What a handsome couple (is that what you say about people our age?)
I don't know about this, Dale doesn't look too thrilled in this one.
Okay, this is better. He looks pretty happy here.
Aren't the fall colors at the temple just beautiful?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Breakfast Anyone?
Sunday, October 07, 2007
My forgotten talent . . .
It was much faster and easier and did a much better job at trimming the edges! I had forgotten I even had that stuff. It was so much fun to indulge in this project. As I sat there and started sewing, I was flooded with memories of sewing projects in the past and how much I loved to sew. I remembered how my mom sat at that machine for hours each summer, making us beautiful school dresses. I thought of my first sewing experiences using my mom's old black Singer sewing machine. I made Barbie clothes and doll clothes. She told me that if I could make those tiny patterns, I could surely make my own clothes, so she took me to the fabric store and I got the material for my first dress made by me! I was in the 5th grade. By the time I was in high school, she told me I was a better seamstress than she, and that I should be doing my own sewing from then on, so I did! I even ended up sewing for hire. Through out my life, I have made many articles of clothing and lots of baby blankets and quilts. I remember making Katie and Julie their school clothes, matching Easter dresses, swim suits, knit t-shirts, jeans, night gowns, and even their undies. It is something I have always loved doing. I taught Katie when she was a girl, and she made some shorts and shirts for herself and Julie. Julie learned during high school in her Home Ec class. Becca wants to make some PJ bottoms, so I bought her the material. She picked out the cow pattern - she wanted Luka to have that for one of his blankets.
I think I will pull out the machine tomorrow night and get her started. Wish me luck...
I thought the cow pattern would look cute with a special edge, so I used the machine embroidery feature on it. I did a design on the blue soccer fabric as well. The others are just a plain stitch, but each stitch is sewn with Grammy's love for baby Luka.
Here are the finished receiving blankets. I think they will be so cute for our new little guy! I picked out the soccer fabric special just for him. I think I will not wait so long for my next sewing project. I had forgotten how much I love to sew!
Saturday, October 06, 2007