Saturday, October 20, 2007

Perfect day for a perfect walk

The last day of my perfect fall weekend was Sunday. We got up early and went to church. Cooper wasn't feeling well, so Katie took us back to the house and I stayed with him for the rest of the meeting time. He watched Pinocchio and we read stories. It was so nice to have the one-on-one time with my Buzzy Boy. We had lunch and then Julie came to join us for a little drive up to Muller Park. I remember going there as a kid, but it is way different now. We took the path to walk through the fall leaves. I was truly in my element doing that. I love the fall and I love the leaves, the colors, the SMELL, the shuffling of feet through the leaves. It was so much fun.
Katie gave the kids each a bag so they could collect their leaves.
Savannah is such a little princess! Ryan and Cooper saving a special leaf.
The colors in this spot were just to beautiful to pass up and Savannah is always ready to pose for a picture.

Just goin' down the path...

Ryan found this fallen tree for Cooper to ride. Isn't he cute?

As we came to the end of the trail, here was this spot with the sun just shining on it and the leaves were just glowing with color!

Going to the car...

One last look. I love fall so much and this was my "fall fix."

We returned home from our little hike and Katie made a wonderful Sunday dinner. My Dad and Donna joined us, so I got to see my dear dad, too! Thanks Julie and Katie, for letting me stay with you, and for spending time with me. I love you so much! Can't wait to see you in November!


Unknown said...

That was so fun~ We really miss having you close by.

Kori said...

Your weekend sounds like so much fun. I'm glad you got to see your girls and your grand babies, too. Even though our families live close by, I still cherish every moment we spend with them.

Allan and Diane said...

Oh Karla--what a wonderful weekend you must have had. I agree, nothing is more beautiful than this fall time of the year. It feels so peaceful. I'm glad you got to have such a memorable time with your dear family.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you got to enjoy a weekend with friends and family - the pictures are just beautiful!