Saturday, October 20, 2007

Traditions creating memories...

Last Saturday, part of the fun in Utah was a beautiful drive to Heber to visit with Ryan's parents and most of his siblings. Grandma Sue was a wonderful hostess. She had such darling activities planned for the kids. Her front porch was all decorated up with pumpkins. I enjoyed watching Sue with her family. The grandkids all got to pick out their own pumpkin and carve it. She had a plethora of carving tools they used on this project.
They all had fun cleaning and carving and each got a candle to put inside and light.
Ryan helped Cooper with his.
I helped Savannah with the cleaning out part, but couldn't do the pattern she picked out so her cute uncle helped her finish hers..
Sue and Doug made a delicious steak dinner. She then took the kids downstairs to get on their costumes for the party. They played spin the bottle and went on a witch hunt. This is an annual thing that the Robinsons do. I am so glad that my grandkids have such wonderful "other" grandparents that love them and do special things for them. I snuck outside for a few minutes to take some pictures as the sun was making its way down in the west. I love that time of day as the lighting is that glowing amber color, and the leaves in their yard were so beautiful!

I tried to catch the sun shining through the leaves. I liked this shot.

Thank you Katie and Ryan, for sharing your "Robinson" family with me so freely.

It means the world to me. I love them, and you.

Keep those special family traditions going! Your kids will always look back on this stuff and say "rememer when..."

1 comment:

Jamie and Family said...

You're pictures are great! You've got a good eye for beauty!