Mother of 3 beautiful girls, grandmother to 5 adorable grandchildren; Ain't life grand!
Becca's favorite tree was the one behind them with the butterflies. Nick gave her a piggyback ride to the photo spot. We did have a great time together, and I think we'll do "That Thursday Thing" again! It will be one of our Christmas Traditions to go when the square is all lit up with Christmas.
Nick and Becca were such great help and I think they even had fun.
They did the shelf in the family room with the Christmas garlands and lights.
They helped me do the shelf above the doorway to the family room.
They helped put the tree together, they strung all the lights, and they helped hang the ornaments. Of course, while decorating inside we had our favorite Christmas CD’s playing (Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers, and the Oakridge Boys). That’s just a tradition we cannot break!
We decided we had to hang lights outside this year, so we even made a trip to Walmart for an extension cord. We ended up getting the icicle style lights for the outside. I went to the store WITH OUT my makeup – can you believe that? AND the kids would not let me wear my cute snowflake headband with the bells, either!
I ALWAYS get myself completely ready every day before I do anything. Oh, well . . . it was necessary and I don’t think anyone that saw me will remember! (Thankfully we did not see anyone we know!)
Nick and Becca were so great outside.
They were climbing ladders, hammering nails,
undoing the ties on the strands, and hanging lights.
The sky was way cloudy and dark.
The wind came up.
Nick was at the highest point on the ladder when the rain started.
I told the kids I thought we could finish if we really hustled.
Then the thunder rumbled.
I told Nick I was not willing to sacrifice him to the lightening Gods and to come down off the ladder! We went back inside and worked on the tree while it rained. During a break in the storm we ran out to finish and discovered that the lights did not finish with the right end to plug into the extension cord, so I climbed the ladder and took the lights down. We switched it around and when I finished it was the same! Wrong end again! I could not figure out what was going on. So I started back to remove the lights and got to where the two lines were plugged together. THAT’S where the problem was, so we only had to switch one line around. Boy, did I ever feel stupid! By the time we actually finished up, it had started to blow and rain again. We did get a little wet, but the lights look good. I still need to get a couple more strands to do one more length of the house.
This is a shot of another of my favorite traditions.
The kids hang ornaments on their ears while decorating.
This photo is of Nick with a special award the percussion line received at one of the competitions for "Best of Show." He got to bring it home for one night.
Becca tends to be very animated when she wants to for pictures.
She was trying to look very quizzical and puzzled about what this present would be.
Deep in her heart she really knew what it was!
It was her guitar Hero III game! She wanted it so badly!
Here's my birthday girl with her cake. She asked for an ice cream cake, so we went to ColdStone and she picked a chocolate mint ice cream cake. It was fabulous! I think maybe the cake was the saving factor in the whole disastrous birthday dinner. You can read about that on my prior post "Ox in the Meyer." Let me just say that I hope I never have another dinner party like that!
Life is always interesting with Becca around. She has such a great sense of humor - always has - even when she was too young to have one. She is a tremendous example and leader in her Young Women's group. Her leaders adore her and the bishopric have all commented on what a sweet and genuine young lady she is. They all love her.
I love having her around, too! It is so fun to go for our evening walks. That is when she will open up and really talk to me. I treasure that time ... even though some nights I am just too worn out to go. I love hearing her play the guitar. Her talent amazes me. She is very supportive of my church calling and is quick to respond to little favors and tasks I ask her to perform. She is always sharing dramatic and hilarious stories about school at the dinner table. It makes our family life quite exciting to hear the latest escapades of the "Nerd Herd" and Becca and her friends. I am so thankful to have Becca in our family. She know I love her more than my luggage!
Here is Becca with McKaela and Mirium. They were the Jonas Brothers for Halloween.
Aren't they so cute!?
Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be. Your saturation level is low - You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion. Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything. |
Just goin' down the path...
Ryan found this fallen tree for Cooper to ride. Isn't he cute?
As we came to the end of the trail, here was this spot with the sun just shining on it and the leaves were just glowing with color!
Going to the car...
One last look. I love fall so much and this was my "fall fix."
We returned home from our little hike and Katie made a wonderful Sunday dinner. My Dad and Donna joined us, so I got to see my dear dad, too! Thanks Julie and Katie, for letting me stay with you, and for spending time with me. I love you so much! Can't wait to see you in November!